Below you find top tips and inspiration for your canoeing trip in municipalities and regions in Sweden. Maps, photos, useful information about where to paddle, where to find starting points, places of interest and the best camp grounds, all collected and handy to use. Click on the name of the municipality and you will be directed to their website where paddling possibilities and things to see and do in their municipality are presented.
Blekinge län
Gävleborgs län
Gästrikland (Gävle, Sandviken, Ockelbo och Hofors kommuner)
Jönköpings län
Södermanlands län
Västra Götalands län
Västmanlands län
Västernorrlands län
Östergötlands län
Inter-regional canoeing guides and sites
West Sweden
Gamla Skaraborgs län cooperation between municipalities in the county of Västra Götaland and Jönköping. Canoe trails and maps.
Västsverige Information about the best gems of paddling in Bohuslän, Dalsland and Västergötland.
Non-profit association Hållbar skärgård (Sustainable archipielago) with maps, hints and tips, all information you need to plan paddling trip in Bohuslän.
Paddla Vänern. Lake Vänern, the biggest lake in Sweden. Enjoy day trips in the archipelago around Northern parts of the Lake, or for the experienced paddler, take on the Challenge of Väner-8. Maps and descriptions.
East Sweden
Naturkraft Gestrikland Non-profit association with maps over the county of Gästrikland. The maps are full of information about places of interest, where to stop for a rest, campsites, where to park and start, plus inspirational pictures.
Söderhamn The canoe association Söderhamnspaddlarna’s guide to 13 kayak trips described in detail.
South Sweden
Blekinge Ark56 Guide and app to download with info about paddlingtrais, places of intereset etc.
Södermanland, Örebro and Västmanland
Lake Hjälmaren Cooperation between the municipalities around lake Hjälmaren: Arboga, Eskilstuna, Katrineholm, Vingåker Örebro. Where to find canoe rentals and tips for canoeing trails.